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Matteo Cacciagrano has been making wine for more than a decade, and with experience from great producers like Lammidia, he is doing some amazing wines in his own personal style. 

Located in the outskirts of Pescara in Abruzzo, the Italian winemaker produces his wines from purchased grapes in the Peligna Valley and Val Pescara. All grapes are sourced from organic certified vineyards, where he is helping with the farming throughout the season. 

Back home in his cellar, the wines are produced as natural, natural can be. It is basically hundred percent fermented grape juice. No artificial yeast, no finning, no clarification, no filtration and no added sulphur. This approach gives some vibrant and funky wines, but very clean and honest expressions of the grapes used for each single cuvée. 

Matteos first vintage in his own name was in 2019 and we are looking so much forward to follow this talented winemaker! Vai!

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